Smoky Quartz Healing Properties

Smoky Quartz Healing properties-7

Grounding Stone

Smokey Quartz obelisk

Smoky Quartz is part of the Quartz Family. Colors vary from a tan color to grayish black. Made of silicon dioxide with hardness of 7. The color occurs due to natural radiation. Smoky Quartz is a very popular stone that can be commonly found. 

Chakra(s): Root

Where it can be found: United States, Madagascar, Australia, Brazil, 

Healing Properties

Protects from harm and ill intent 

Promotes patience, organization, & focus

Clears yourself and environment of negative energy

Helps to overcome depression

Grounding stone, centers, balances emotions & energies 

Activates and works with the root chakra

Ways to use Smoky Quartz

Keep out of sunlight to preserve colors

Blends well with obsidian, jet, black tourmaline, sugilite

When not feeling in the best mood meditate with smoky quartz to release the negative energy into the earth

Placing smoky quartz into the ground or a plant pot is a awesome way of cleansing this stored energies

Experience using Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz a good stone to use to battle depression and negativity within yourself. As well as in the environment. I created a grid in my home by placing 4 smoky quartz crystals in each direction of the house in a window seal. That seems to help keep negative energies from coming near or entering our home. As well as keeping the home environment balanced and neutralizing negative emotions. I also keep a smoky quartz crystal in my car because I travel a lot and that has seemed to work for me with safe traveling.

The ideal stone for fighting off negative people and energy. Smoky quartz is a protection and grounding stone. Transmutes negative energy into the earth and resorts balance. Protects you from the ill wishes and harm others may have towards you. Use when needing a uplift in your mood, when feeling down. Use Smoky Quartz when working with your root chakra. 

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