Intro Into The Root Chakra


We’ve all heard of Chakras, but some may wonder, what are they? Chakras are the seven energy centers located from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Today we’re going to talk a little about the Muladhara, also known as (The Root Chakra). Muladhara translates to root & basis according to Hinduism. The root chakra sits at the base of your spine where the tailbone is located. The Root or 1st chakra is responsible for safety, security, and basic life necessities such as food, water, and shelter. The Root Chakra is known as our primal survival center. Emotionally, the root chakra impacts our feelings of stability, secureness, and anger. Having an open, balanced root chakra creates a stable foundation and easier access to open all the other chakras. The Root chakras element is The Earth. Therefore when balanced, we feel grounded and connected to the universe.

An un-balanced Root.

When the Root Chakra is unbalanced, it may bring uneasy feelings and stress. You may feel ungrounded or lost. Since the root chakra is our life source, it deals with emotional trauma, life experiences, and life-altering changes.
Having an unbalanced or blocked root chakra is very common for a lot of people because it’s the foundation of our energies. Symptoms of having a blocked Root Chakra may form in anxiety disorders, paranoia, fear, an inability to focus, nightmares, and even digestive issues as well. You may feel more lethargic, your lower back, feet, and legs may ache more as a result of this. A blockage in this chakra can make you fear financially, shelter, and even about your health and well being.

Ways To Balance and Open The Root Chakra

If you’ve noticed your Root happens to be blocked, or underactive. You may wonder, How can I balance it then?
There are many ways you can activate and open up this chakra, including the foods we eat, the colors we wear, and even the things we say! Eating red foods such as beets, strawberries, pomegranates, and dark cherries all benefit the Root chakra. Root vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, yams, and radishes are another example of foods we can consume to activate this chakra.

Meditation, Gemstones & Mantras

Meditation is the most common way to open and activate any or all of the chakras. A great way to boost this healing experience is by meditating with gemstones associated with the root chakra. Gemstones such as Black Tourmaline, Red Jasper, Bloodstone, Garnet, Carnelian, Hematite, and Black Obsidian are great for opening and balancing the Root Chakra. Sound healing is another way to activate this chakra, for the Root Chakra, the mantra LAM is applied, along with sound frequencies of 194.18, 256 & 396 Hz, which are the soundwaves used for opening and healing this chakra. Sound healing helps us go into a meditative state, bringing us into a sense of balance and stillness.

Yoga & Affirmations

Just like meditation, yoga and affirmatives can physically help to open up our chakras as well. Below you’ll find a few yoga poses and Root Chakra Affirmations to help you along the journey. These yoga poses focus on centering your mind and grounding the body to feel rooted and connected.

Root Chakra Affirmations

Below you’ll find a few different affirmations that you can chant while practicing yoga & meditation. 

  • I Am Safe & Secure
  • I am stable and grounded at this moment 
  • I am physically healthy 
  • I Have a Healthy Mind
  • I am Happy and Safe In my home
  • I am Connected and grounded Through the Earth 
  • I am Financially Secure
  • I am abundant 
  • I can Release Fear and Worry and Know I am Secure
  • I Am Eternally Safe.

2 responses to “Intro Into The Root Chakra”

  1. […] For more Root Chakra Affirmations I love, check out these from The Path Provides or these from JoyfulBliss. […]

  2. […] For more Root Chakra Affirmations I love, check out these from The Path Provides or these from JoyfulBliss. […]

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