Healing Properties Of Aquamarine


Aquamarine is a light blue, well-known stone for its beauty and uses in jewelry. Aquamarine is an essential purifying stone and is sometimes known as the “Mermaid Stone.” Aquamarine is known to have an abundance of healing properties. Being one of the more solid gemstones, Aquamarine has a hardness of 7.5 – 8 on the MOHS hardness scale. This stone is associated with the element of water. Aquamarine is essential for healing and purifying the spiritual body. You can easily find Aquamarine in Brazil, as Brazil is the biggest producer of Aquamarine. Like most water stones, Aquamarine is related to the throat chakra.

Aquamarine can provide healing benefits both spiritually and physically.
Physically, Aquamarine is known to alleviate sinus, lung, and respiratory problems. That said, Aquamarine helps alleviate related illness as well. Such as common colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, allergies, and more. This stone is also strongly connected to feminine energies and is an essential fertility stone. Aquamarine is said to help benefit pregnant women and babies, protecting them from harm. Aquamarine also discourages miscarriages. Aquamarine can balance hormones and purify blood and water.

Spiritually, Aquamarine has many benefits. Aquamarine is especially great for teaching, coaching, and public speaking. This stone is perfect for clear communication and getting your message across. Carrying this stone in your pocket, charging with intent, and wearing this stone provides one with the courage and confidence needed. Emotionally speaking, Aquamarine allows one to process their emotions gradually and thoroughly. Transitioning negative and hostile energy into cool and calm energy, Aquamarine is a soothing stone.

Working with Aquamarine is easy! This pretty blue stone is found in many forms of jewelry. While wearing Aquamarine, you’re healing both the heart and throat chakra. Allowing yourself to evaluate and heal your emotions while meditating with this stone is another way to gain from this gem! One of the most effective ways of healing with Aquamarine is meditation and close contact with it regularly. Like most stones, to achieve healing properties, you must work with intent and purpose. Combining Aquamarine with other stones such as Angelite, Kyanite, and even Crystal quartz can help to amplify the energies of these gemstones, making it easier to get the desired outcome.

Picture of Krissi


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