Crystal Quartz Healing Properties

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Stone of Manifestation

crystal Quartz Sphere

Made of silicon dioxide with a hardness of 7. There are a wide variety of quartz crystals. This stone is referred to as the master healing stone or Manifestation stone. Due to it being a stone that is programmable to any intentions. As well as blending and amplifying with all crystals.

Chakra(s): All

Where it can be found: Crystal Quartz occurs all over the world 

Healing Properties

Activates and opens all chakras

Brings spiritual awareness, connection 

Amplifies the energies of other crystals it comes in contact with

Programmable to any intention 

Prosperity, Protection, Healing

Ways to use Crystal Quartz

Safe to charge in the sun

Safe to use Tumbled stones in gem elixirs, Safe to clean in water

Sleep with crystal quartz to enhance the vividness of dreams

Cleanse often as it collects and picks up other energies easily 

Use in crystal grids to amplify intentions and energy of the grid

Blends well with all stones

Experience using Crystal Quartz

I can resonate with the energy in crystal quartz as it is one of the most powerful stones. Basically making up for any stone there is. I use a crystal quartz wand when I am doing a crystal grid to make sure I amplify the energies of my intentions. Crystal quartz stones I also place In the grid to boost the energy. I wear crystal quartz jewelry to manifest my intentions with success, money, luck, and overall well-being. Crystal. Quartz would be the stone I recommend meditation with as it opens all chakras and can lead to new findings within yourself and your spiritual connection.

Use crystal quartz to blend the energies of other stones it comes in use with. Use crystal quartz to align open and activate all chakras. Using crystals quartz tumbled stones in a gem elixir is a great way to infuse any intention into a gem elixir such as health, luck, positive energy, prosperity, love, happiness, etc.

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