Amazonite Healing Properties

        Amazonite is a beautiful calming blue-green gemstone. Amazonite is a make-up of feldspar minerals and has a hardness of 6.5 on the Mohs hardness scale. This stone originates in Brazil, also found in Russia, Madagascar, and the U.S. The beautiful colors of this stone range from turquoise hues to green. You can find this crystal in many forms and sizes as it usually forms in large masses. Since this stone is associated with the throat and heart chakra, it’s also associated with the water element.

Amazonite is known as the stone of harmony, bringing peace and tranquility into your life. Amazonite encourages one to express their truth and helps those struggling with proper communication. Also known as the Stone of Truth, Amazonite harmonizes the throat and heart chakra making it easy to express thoughts and feelings. This stone also encourages creativity, adventure, and feelings of peace.

Not only does amazonite help to heal emotionally, but physically it stimulates many benefits too! Amazonite calms the nervous system and provides relief during panic attacks and tense moments. This stone is known for its calming effect and helps to balance moods, helping alleviate trapped emotions. Drinking amazonite-charged water can also help with calcium deficiencies. You can easily make this by cleansing amazonite tumbled stones and placing them in your water bottle. Taking a bath with Amazonite can help to soothe joints, enhance self-love and balance your energy.

There are many ways you can use Amazonite to reap all of its healing benefits! Wearing this gemstone near the heart and the throat can maximize the energy of this stone. Carrying this stone in your pocket or on your body can help you communicate and stay calm during the day. Drinking crystal-charged water helps both emotionally and physically! Since Amazonite also promotes love taking a crystal bath with amazonite and rose quartz or clear quartz can enhance feelings of love and adornment within oneself. Dreamwork comes with easy dream recall and vividness. Since this stone influences communication, placing this stone in your pillowcase can encourage messages in dreams. One of the most effective ways to manifest the energy of this stone is by meditating with it. Meditation with gemstones provides a wholesome feeling inside and outside. Amazonite is a great stone for those looking to heal their Throat & Heart chakras. For those looking for emotional healing, confidence, or better communication.

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