Introduction Into The Sacral Chakra


Svahisthana – The Sacral Chakra. 

The Sacral chakra is the 2nd of the seven chakra energy system. It’s located right below the naval, about 2 inches below your pelvic bone. This chakra is bound to physical pleasure, creativity, sexuality, and so forth. The Sacral Chakra is what allows us to feel joy in things and life. Balancing this chakra is the next step into chakra healing once you’ve healed your root.

An Unbalanced Chakra

Having an unbalanced sacral chakra can lead to many physical disturbances. One might find themselves feeling lazy and unmotivated, maybe even sluggish. An underactive or unbalanced chakra can lead to low self-esteem, major creative block, and even a total lack of self-expression. The love for going to the gym and working out might have diminished. You may even find yourself lacking energy for the bedroom. What happens when our sacral is blocked or unbalanced is physical energy drainage. One might become lazy and unorganized, which can lead to sadness or mild depression. The Sacral chakra governs the reproductive system and stomach.

Physical symptoms of Sacral blockage are commonly stomach related and can include: 

  • stomach aches
  • constipation
  • lower back pain
  • irregular cycles 
  • infertility 
  • kidney and UTI infections

Emotionally the sacral chakra can weigh in by causing things mentioned above like: 

  • Depression
  • fear/anxiety 
  • emotional instability
  • problems with relationships
  • detachment from previous passions
  • insecurity 
  • lack of self-expression
  • creative blocks
  • Hyper-emotions
  • impulse behavior 
  • codependency issues 

Knowing if your chakra energy system is unbalanced is essential. Learning how to heal and balance it is easy and just as necessary. 

Healing The Sacral Chakra

There are many ways to heal and balance your Sacral Chakra. Below we will discuss a few. When it comes to healing the sacral chakra, you can work with all the factors. Such as elements, colors, foods, etc. 

An effective way to balance your Sacral is by practicing yoga. You can find many yoga flows online. A few different poses for the Sacral Chakra goes as follows. Make sure to practice some breathing techniques too! : 

  • Squat Pose (Malasana) 
  • Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana)
  • Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana)
  • Open-Angle Pose (Upavistha Konasana)
  • Frog Pose (Mandukasana)
  • Wide-Legged Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana)
  • Goddess Pose – (Utkata Konasana)
  • Hip Circles

Additionally, you can heal the 2nd chakra with meditation and affirmations. Svahisthana is associated with the ‘I Feel.’ Practice these affirmations daily! Meditation while chanting the mantra ‘VAM’ vibrates the same frequency as the sacral chakra, which helps bring balance.

  • I am comfortable in my body 
  • Sex is a sacred connection
  • I allow my creativity to flow through me freely
  • I receive pleasure and abundance with every breath I take
  • I let go of past feelings that no longer serve me 
  • I choose to feel joy and excitement often
  • I Feel Confident 
  • I am creatively free
  • I feel sexually confident 
  • I am at peace with myself 

Another way to heal your sacral chakra is by using gemstones in your daily routine! Crystals such as Carnelian, Amber, Jasper, Goldstone, Unakite, Moonstone, tigers eye, and Orange calcite all bring harmony to the Sacral chakra. You can wear these stones, carry them in your bag, take a crystals bath, infuse water, and so much more! Working with crystals and gemstones can be very versatile and fun! Using a crystal grid to manifest sacral chakra energy can assist as well. You can even make a body grid to soak up all that good energy! There are plenty more ways to open and align your sacral such as wearing the color orange. Interacting with water more often as water is the Sacral element, and even eating associated foods such as oranges, tangerines, mangoes, and melons too!

   When your Sacral is balanced, one might feel at peace and gratuitous towards life. You’ll feel pleased and satisfied in relationships, even forming healthy bonds. A balanced Sacral will make the mind, body, and soul feel energized and alive. You’ll feel secure and confident in all your decisions. For the creatives, you’ll find yourself indulging in your passions once again! A healthy Sacral Chakra means a healthy sex life as well make sure you take care of yourself! Since the sacral chakra controls our pleasure, the center of creativity and life source having thus chakra aligned is essential to your spiritual being!

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